Summer Employment Update

The summer is still months away but no one can predict whether we will be able to open the Lutz Mountain Heritage Museum to visitors.

We have applied for summer employment funding through three different grant schemes. Funding through NB’s Community Museums Summer Employment Program for two jobs for nine weeks each was approved before the COVID-19 outbreak and so far we have not received anything to say this program has been cancelled. Funding approval for the two federal programs has not yet been announced. We understand that the announcement for Young Canada Works will be in mid April and Canada Summer Jobs in early May.

It is very possible that the number of weeks of funding will be reduced especially for the longer federal programs. And if museums do not open to the public, the nature of the work will change. We anticipate for us that would mean more collections work (researching, data input, inventory, digital imaging); genealogy work and blog posts/social media posts. For everyone who has already contacted us about a summer job, please take the opportunity now to update your resume/CV to reflect your experience of this type of work. If you are happy with your current resume, send a cover letter/email to let us know you are still interested and to say why you would like to work at the Lutz Mountain Heritage Museum this summer. If you haven’t yet applied, please submit your application by Friday, May 1st, 2020.

If you have any questions, contact us by email

Thank you for your interest in working with us!